I am extremely fortunate to live in the same village as the esteemed director, cameraman, and editor Luke Jeans. It is even more fortunate that a) he likes me; b) I like him (don’t read anything into this); and c) we share the same sense of humour. Without him, this category on the website would simply not exist.

All the videos created for will be added to this page once they are released.

Whatever Happened To The The King Brothers?

Black Beauty - A Moving Tribute In Words

"THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS" February 2012: a bit of fun for the end of ACT 1


What if Brecht and Weill had written "Oklahoma!"?

Christmas Every Day

By Jack Rosenthal & Denis King. 
Starring Olivia Castle (and Mabel). 
Directed by Luke Jeans

Christmas Every Day from Denis King on Vimeo.

Fact of the Day
Denis wrote and performed "The Tupperware Brigade" (words by John Junkin) at the Albert Hall in front of 5,000 enthusiastic Tupperware salesladies.
Listening Post
Road To Plaistow